Updates (Dec 2024)
Government in context, Syria, Irish healthcare workers, patterns in repeat, death funding, Ed Dowd testimony, Brianne Dressen, the biggest heist in history, Shrine speech, Romans 13 & a seasonal song
Dear Church Leaders (and everyone else)
Below is December’s update, featuring developments in the context of previous articles etc.
A warm winter welcome to new subscribers. Another big thank you to readers offering encouragement and re-stacking and sharing articles. And ongoing gratitude to everyone for reading.
I have somewhat rejigged my planned order of posts. I have plenty in the pipeline, but in the spirit of Ecclesiastes 3 — whose words inspired The Byrds 1965 US #1 single Turn! Turn! Turn! — I have deferred until the New Year some of the articles originally scheduled for December. I am inclined to think that there are better times than the festive season to consider e.g. Agenda 2030 or Fifth Generation Warfare.
For those who missed the September update, the main reason for posting articles on Unexpected Turns is to provide material in a format that could appeal more to people who are disinclined to read articles that might appear related to church matters. Then as now, I have no plans to put any material on Unexpected Turns which is not already available on Dear Church Leaders (and everyone else).
Government in context
Further to this post…
It has come to my attention that the state of Victoria, Australia, passed this Rain-making Control Act in 1967:
And that the US enacted this weather modification Act in 1953:
I also found this article — A Brief History of Weather Modification Since 1946 — published in 1963:
As to whether we should trust that the authorities are acting in our best interests, I am less convinced than I used to be about that. Consider e.g. this report from 2002 (long before the BBC became part of The Trusted News Initiative):
And this report from the Guardian, 8 years before it launched a global development website with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation leading to multi-million dollar “Global Policy and Advocacy” grants from 2011:
While details of some secret trials have emerged in recent years, the 60-page report reveals new information about more than 100 covert experiments.
The report reveals that military personnel were briefed to tell any ‘inquisitive inquirer’ the trials were part of research projects into weather and air pollution.
The article details several of the covert experiments:
One chapter of the report, 'The Fluorescent Particle Trials', reveals how between 1955 and 1963 planes flew from north-east England to the tip of Cornwall along the south and west coasts, dropping huge amounts of zinc cadmium sulphide on the population. The chemical drifted miles inland, its fluorescence allowing the spread to be monitored. In another trial using zinc cadmium sulphide, a generator was towed along a road near Frome in Somerset where it spewed the chemical for an hour.
While the Government has insisted the chemical is safe, cadmium is recognised as a cause of lung cancer and during the Second World War was considered by the Allies as a chemical weapon.
A related question in Hansard can be found here.
Other examples:
In another chapter, ‘Large Area Coverage Trials’, the MoD describes how between 1961 and 1968 more than a million people along the south coast of England, from Torquay to the New Forest, were exposed to bacteria including e.coli and bacillus globigii , which mimics anthrax. These releases came from a military ship, the Icewhale, anchored off the Dorset coast, which sprayed the micro-organisms in a five to 10-mile radius.
The report also reveals details of the DICE trials in south Dorset between 1971 and 1975. These involved US and UK military scientists spraying into the air massive quantities of serratia marcescens bacteria, with an anthrax simulant and phenol.
Similar bacteria were released in ‘The Sabotage Trials’ between 1952 and 1964. These were tests to determine the vulnerability of large government buildings and public transport to attack. In 1956 bacteria were released on the London Underground at lunchtime along the Northern Line between Colliers Wood and Tooting Broadway. The results show that the organism dispersed about 10 miles. Similar tests were conducted in tunnels running under government buildings in Whitehall.
Experiments conducted between 1964 and 1973 involved attaching germs to the threads of spiders’ webs in boxes to test how the germs would survive in different environments. These tests were carried out in a dozen locations across the country, including London’s West End, Southampton and Swindon. The report also gives details of more than a dozen smaller field trials between 1968 and 1977.
The recent reported developments in Syria reminded me of this post:
Which includes a link to this Doc Malik podcast with Vanessa Beeley, an independent journalist, peace activist and photographer who was until recently based in Syria:
It’s well worth a listen, not least in the context of Proverbs 18:17. An audio version with no adverts can be found here.
Beeley’s Substack is here:
For some wider context on Syria, this 2016 article by Robert F Kennedy Jr is worth a look:
To quote:
Secret cables and reports by the U.S., Saudi and Israeli intelligence agencies indicate that the moment Assad rejected the Qatari pipeline, military and intelligence planners quickly arrived at the consensus that fomenting a Sunni uprising in Syria to overthrow the uncooperative Bashar Assad was a feasible path to achieving the shared objective of completing the Qatar/Turkey gas link. In 2009, according to WikiLeaks, soon after Bashar Assad rejected the Qatar pipeline, the CIA began funding opposition groups in Syria.
For more in relation to the above, see e.g. this recent post from the Thinking Coalition whose articles are well-researched:
I am again reminded of the Trusted News Initiative:
And this:
90+% Irish healthcare workers “anti-vax”
In this post…
I noted that, by the standards of 2021, most NHS workers are now apparently “anti-vax”.
The situation is even more stark in Ireland, where GP Marcus De Brun reports that:
93.2% of Ireland’s Healthcare Workers have NOT taken a Covid vaccine this year.
And that (emphasis added):
The Minister via the Irish Medical Council is currently prosecuting 6 Irish GPs for refusing to give a vaccine that 93.2% of their colleagues have refused to take.
That’s how politics works in Ireland!
I wonder how much money GP practices in Ireland receive per injection administered.
De Brun adds that 82% of HSE doctors, nurses and midwives have declined the flu vaccine.
I am reminded of this piece that I originally wrote in January 2022 in the context of the coercive push for covid injections, in which it appeared that GP practices were only too happy to partake:
Patterns in repeat
Further to this post comparing the narrative between climate and covid:
I recommend these two recent Substacks in relation to the end of life bill and the recent milk controversy:
Parallels between the end of life bill and the lockdowns
Overturning basic ethics and moral codes; limited legislative scrutiny; media influence; emotional appeals; the illusion of control in the context of fear; faith in authority and predictive models; disproportionate impact on the vulnerable; factual objections dismissed in favour of emotional appeals etc.
The Most Interesting Event in the Bovaer Saga Isn’t Necessarily the “Additive” Itself...
Lack of safety monitoring; side-effects (in cows at least); carcinogenicity; effect on sperm production; no long-term data; mainstream media dismissing legitimate concerns as misinformation; corporate interests; governments pushing widespread adoption and even a mandate; “safe and effective” etc.
Death funding
Further to these recent posts…
I recommend this recent post from the Thinking Coalition:
Key quotes:
Assisted dying
The primary source of funding for assisted dying lobbying in the U.K. is the Bernard Lewis Family Charitable Trust, which provided a cool £ 1.1 million to two U.K. organisations that lobby for AD, namely; Dignity in Dying (Dignity and Choice in Dying Limited) and Compassion in Dying Limited.
The situation in the abortion sector is similar but at a much, much bigger scale… one of the largest abortion providers, MSI Reproductive Choices Limited (previously Marie Stopes International Limited) has access to the best part of £150 million in grants from oligarch foundations and our own governments… including Bill Gates (via the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) in 2024 and Sir Chris Hohn (via the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation).
It appears that:
…the uber-wealthy are willing to fund the death industry; abortion, sterilisation and euthanasia.
As to ‘Assisted Dying’, I am increasingly disinclined to use the phrase. I was struck by the words of this post: “Logically, someone who dies non-naturally is either killed by someone else or by their own hand. So the only honest terms are ‘Assisted Killing’ or ‘Assisted Suicide’. ‘Assisted Dying’ is an absurd euphemism which dishonestly implies that no-one does the killing. But they do.”
Ed Dowd testimony
Further to these posts:
I was struck by Dowd’s testimony here (transcript below):
The US government, along with the WHO, declared a pandemic in 2020 and a number of policy responses that we were told would slow the spread of covid-19 and allow us to come up with a vaccine in record time dubbed Operation Warp Speed.
The 2020 policy responses included societal lockdowns, masking, and social distancing. In 2021, we began the rollout of a vaccine solution that was predominantly a novel mRNA-based technology with the vendors predominantly being Pfizer and Moderna.
The solution had never undergone human trials prior to 2020, and it was approved under an EUA [Emergency Use Authorization] in late 2020 within record time for a vaccine and a noticeably short trial period. The government deemed these products safe and effective and told the nation they would prevent you from getting and transmitting covid-19.
These statements have since been proven false. It has become clear that the US government, along with the health regulators, do not desire an honest accounting of these policies that were imposed mostly under federal mandates.
I will predominantly focus on the human and economic costs since the beginning of 2021, which if they were favorable to the current regime, you would be hearing them scream these results from the rooftops. I will focus on three buckets which we break down as excess deaths, excess disabilities and lost work time, in other words, injuries.
When analyzing the excess death human costs, it’s interesting to note that in 2020, there were approximately 458,000 excess deaths, of which 73% were age 65 and older, and [age] 15 to 64 comprising just 27%. Note, we were told in 2020 that the covid-19 risk of death was primarily in the older populations.
However, in 2021, with the rollout of the “safe and effective vaccine” there were approximately another 500,000 excess deaths but a mix shift had occurred from older to younger. In 2021, the 65+ age category was 57% — remember it was 73% in 2020 — of the total, while the 15 to 64 cohort increased to 43%.
The absolute excess death increased from 20 to 21 for the productive working age 15 to 64 was 73%. So in 2020, 124,000 people perished excessively. And then in 2021 it rose to 215,000, 73%. For a virus that kills old people, this mix shift is an epic failure for the so-called vaccine solution. The total excess deaths since the rollout of the vaccine in the US, including 21, 22, and 23, is approximately 1.1 million.
We estimate the economic cost of productive working age people dying at 15.6 billion. When analyzing disabilities, is interesting to note that there were no excess disabilities in 2020. Using the civilian labor force, we have calculated an increase of 2.3 million individuals with disabilities costing the economy an estimated $77 billion.
We want to note that the excess disability number for total population 16+ is 3.5 million. When analyzing lost work time, which we call injuries, we estimate 28.4 million individuals are chronically absent resulting in an estimated economic cost of $135 billion since 2021. Work time loss peaked in 2022 at 67% above the 2019 time frame and has since dropped to 22% in 2023. So there has been improvement, but it’s still standard deviations above the long-term trend.
To sum up the post-pandemic policy scorecard since 2021, excess deaths, 1.1 million total with 300,000 in the 15 to 64 age group for total cost of $15.6 billion. Excess disabilities: 2.3 million, 3.5 million for total population. Estimated cost $77 billion. Excess lost work time: 28.4 million individuals, estimated cost $135 billion. Total human cost is 33 million… about 10% of the US population. If you assume it’s vaccine-related, that’s 13% of the vaccinated population, if you assume 25% did not get the vaccine.
It should be noted this compares to 458,000 excess deaths, zero excess disabilities, and a total economic cost of $50 billion for 2020. Obviously the policy cure was undeniably worse than the illness. We at Phinance Technologies understand that there may be many cofactors in these results, but we believe the vaccine introduction is predominantly responsible for what we are calling the post-pandemic policy scorecard.
The blame of the vaccine could be put to rest if studies were conducted of vaccinated versus unvaccinated individuals. Independently of whether it’s the vaccine or not, as a nation we should all collectively want to know what is actually causing these tragic health results. However, the silence by the health authorities and the US government strongly suggest they know the answer to that question. Thank you.
Brianne Dressen
As ever, it is important not to lose sight of the personal stories behind the statistics. And further to the accounts of US schoolgirl Maddie de Garay and Norwegian extreme triathlete Heiko Sepp…
…the sorry story of Brianne Dressen is told here (and here) by independent journalist Sally Beck. Below is an abridged version:
A woman who suffered a severe adverse reaction during Oxford-AstraZeneca’s covid vaccine trial was so badly injured that it was four months before she could walk again. Within an hour of receiving the jab she developed paraesthesia, an autoimmune condition that attacks the nerves. It left her in excruciating pain, unable to eat, and so sensitive to light and noise that she was confined to a darkened room with sunglasses and earplugs.
A mother of two young children, Brianne Dressen, from Utah, USA, considered suicide to stop the pain…
As a trial participant, Mrs Dressen was reassured that if anything went wrong, AstraZeneca — whose trial was suspended temporarily because of serious side effects — would provide full support and pay for any doctors’ bills. This is clearly written in the consent form and a reason she signed, despite misgivings. She was also told if she became ill, the study doctor and AstraZeneca would arrange treatment. AstraZeneca had an insurance policy that would cover all costs…
The independent trial centre, 40 minutes from her home, which Mrs Dressen describes as shabby and run-down, acted as middleman between trial participants and AstraZeneca. She called them the morning after she was vaccinated and filled in her symptoms in an app they provided. For 48 hours she heard nothing back. They finally rang and told her a neurologist should check to see if she had any underlying conditions but they did not offer to pay. The neurologist found nothing.
The trial centre alerted AstraZeneca who never contacted Mrs Dressen or offered any help, breaking the terms of their contract. The family quickly realised they were on their own and Dr Dressen began researching papers on vaccine injury to find answers and help for his wife.
Despite 60 appointments with doctors, four visits to ER, and one hospital admission, all in year one, which cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, AstraZeneca offered Mrs Dressen just $590 to cover her expenses, and that was only after her story broke in local media. When a national news story ran, she was offered a $1,250 payment that they said would absolve the company of any future liability.
Mrs Dressen refused and, as she faces crippling medical bills for life, had no choice but to sue AstraZeneca for breach of contract. Because of America’s National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which indemnifies vaccine manufacturers, she was unable to claim injury compensation despite being diagnosed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) with post-vaccine neuropathy. The Department of Health and Human Services run a taxpayer-funded vaccine injury compensation scheme which rejects around 98 per cent of all claims. Mrs Dressen has applied and says the calls she has had with them so far are already preparing her for rejection.
In May 2024, she filed a lawsuit against AstraZeneca claiming breach of contract and failure to provide medical care. Mrs Dressen won this month but the company have appealed citing the 1986 Act, claiming no liability.
…Her message to Oxford University’s Professor Dame Sarah Gilbert, who co-developed the vaccine with the Oxford Vaccine Group and AstraZeneca, is: ‘I wish you could have been there when my life was ripped away from me, and I wish that you were there for the tens of thousands who came after me.’
AstraZeneca did not respond to requests for comment.
The biggest heist in history
Further to these posts…
…it’s not just that the injections were criminal. The whole covid event was surely the biggest heist in history:
And yet I don’t recall hearing much about this from organisations supposedly representing workers…
Shrine of Remembrance speech
Further to this post:
This video features playwright Michael Griffith’s speech at Melbourne’s Shrine of Remembrance (12:50-14:04) plus other footage:
Romans 13
Further to these posts:
This new Substack has started a series of articles on Romans 13:
Part 2 is here, with more on the way…
And finally…
I thought I’d share one of my favourite (secular) seasonal songs:
Dear Church Leaders most-read articles
Some posts can also be found on Unexpected Turns
The Big Reveal: Christianity carefully considered
NB the latest figures at the time of writing indicate a figure of 92.3%