Draconian health laws proposed for Northern Ireland
A trial run for similar legislation in the rest of the UK?
Dear Church Leaders (and everyone else)
Further to this part of the September Updates post in relation to what appears to be (among other things) a proposal to enable forced vaccination in Northern Ireland, I thought it worth alerting readers to these two related articles1 featuring more details:
The deadline for responding to the proposals has been extended from 27th September until next weekend (14th October). And anyone can respond (link here). I would encourage anyone with concerns to do so. There are 28 pages of questions, but it is not necessary to answer them all. Consider e.g. the suggestions in the discussion between consultant surgeon Ahmad Malik and Northern Irish independent investor and researcher Melissa Ciummei here at 58:07:
Alternatively, anyone can contact the Northern Ireland Department of Health here.
Update — see also:
Dear Church Leaders articles (some of which can also be found on Unexpected Turns)
The Big Reveal: Christianity carefully considered
The author of the second article is retired headteacher Hugh McCarthy, who has also spoken out about the sexualisation of children, e.g. in this podcast with Doc Malik (starting at 9:45):