Dear Church Leaders (and everyone else)
One of the first credible people I heard speaking out about covid was Ivor Cummins, an engineer from the Republic of Ireland. He was clearly evidence-based and data-driven. And what he was saying in 2020 made sense to me. Moreover, his analysis has stood the test of time.
Cummins is also one of the best people I have seen at explaining the bigger picture. And so, not least mindful of forthcoming posts, I thought it worth highlighting this interview he gave in Spring of last year, and adding some notes and links. You don’t have to agree with everything he says to get the gist of it.
But first, if you haven’t yet done so, please can I urge you to try and discard a common assumption, namely that those who are most powerful and influential in the world have the interests of ordinary people at heart. I am thinking not only of governments here, but of those who influence and even control them, as discussed in this post:
The notion that those who wield real power in the world are anything like on our side is perhaps the biggest stumbling block to understanding the bigger picture. Bible phrases such as “the god of this age”,1 “the ruler of the kingdom of the air”2 and “the prince of this world”3 spring to mind. As do verses about the one who “masquerades as an angel of light” and his servants who “masquerade as servants of righteousness”.4
Published evidence
Cummins begins by emphasising his commitment to published evidence, and stating that what he says can all be checked out:5
[Cummins, 01:28] …listeners often will hear stuff that’s kind of speculative, and it may be true… it’s possible it’s not true… but the beauty of what we'll talk about [here is] it’s all fully published in the Rockefeller archives… the UN archives. It’s 100%, not a frisson of speculative or made-up stuff at all.
Not that, in this rather peculiar period of human history, such documented evidence necessarily inclines people to listen of course. But it surely helps.
The Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Cummins continues…
The story — really briefly — starts mainly in the 50s, with the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.6 They brought in [Henry] Kissinger, and then they had… the Trilateral Commission, [the] Council on Foreign Relations… And they basically just… saw themselves as internationalists whose duty it was to create a new world order — in their own words — in all of its aspects… spiritual, political, social etc… They actually believe that it is their duty for the world and they also… and I quote, said that “they wanted to make possible the basic purposes of humanity.”
Here is the website of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund:
Here is the website of The Rockefeller Foundation:
And here is the website of The Trilateral Commission:
Which features this somewhat outdated profile of Keir Starmer — one of its members:
And here is the website of the Council on Foreign Relations:
So these guys, they’re serious and… 70 years [later] this train’s coming down the track through the creation of all the organisations I mentioned… The Club of Rome which is an ultra-rich elite… kind of climate catastrophe propaganda group…
Here is the website of The Club of Rome, founded in 1968…
…and which I featured in this section of this post:
In this podcast from 2:28:50 — and particularly from 2:31:10 — Robin Monotti, who comes from Rome, says of the Club of Rome:
There’s people that I grew up with who would have had and heard some of these conversations… of the Club of Rome. Not directly, but indirectly… second- or third-hand… being discussed at home.
Like: “There’s too many people on the planet… too many poor people. I don’t like looking at them on the street. There’s too many people in Rome when I go to the Vatican museums. I don’t like to see all these people who look ugly because they’re lower class. And they don’t look after themselves. I’m rich and I live in a castle…”
And this was a group of basically globalist people. So, at the heart of a lot of this was… basically a kind of contempt of [a] very privileged oligarchic industrial group — a banking group as well — on normal people, poor people, who don’t dress in the same expensive clothes, don’t have the same kind of look as they do. And this is what led to The Limits to Growth… which was a scientific justification for the reduction of population.
A freely available online Internet Archive copy of The Limits to Growth can be found here:
Returning to the interview…
It’s basically a corporate superstructure that’s grown over three quarters of a century. And that’s why, when we see all the insane stuff happening in the world, and a layperson would say, “But how can all this be connected? Who could possibly orchestrate this…?” And what they’re missing is the key thing… it’s a corporate highly efficient superstructure with all of the movers and shakers… involved. They’re all in the Council on Foreign Relations. They’re all in the Bilderberg [Group]. They’re all in the Trilateral Commission. It’s just [that] perfect corporate organisation over a long period has delivered [what] now we see breaking on our shores.
The movers and shakers make no secret of their meetings:
Some personal background
[Interviewer, 3:50] Ivor, how did you come to this topic in the first place…what brought this to your attention…?
[Cummins] So, very briefly… I’m around 25 years in… full corporate… establishment as a kind of master problem solver. I lead teams of 50 or 60 or more engineers around the world for my corporate… up until 2018. And it’s complex problem solving, so multifactor root cause problems… physics, chemistry, all branches of science… that’s what I did for 20 years. I was born to do it. And then I had also spent around 10 years directly in people management while still doing that [problem solving technical] role. So quite unusual even in the world of engineering which is supposedly the problem solving profession. There’s only a very small percentage of engineers who do that kind of role.
But then around 10 years ago I got very poor blood test results. And I quickly grilled the doctor [with] two key questions. What are the implications of these far out kind of numbers? And what can I do… what is the cause… what can I change? And the… answers were so weak [that] I went to another doctor, a family friend, much more senior [and got the] same outcome. And then I went to a teaching professor of medicine, multiply-published, who I also was connected to [and got a] similar story.
So then I said, “Okay, there’s something huge missing in the world of medicine [and] I don’t know what it is. I have a biochemical engineering degree but I’m not sure what this is… And I hit the ResearchGate and PubMed published papers of the last 100 years. It took me three weeks to crack it, because you just have to follow a very careful path and keep going to the right place. People who just go out and look at all the science, they just get lost…
And it was insulin resistance which is the biggest pathological problem in the modern population, by a factor of 20. It’s Type 2 diabetes essentially. And I just switched my diet, because I knew [from my research that] the carbohydrate was causing the problem. I switched my diet to meat, fish and eggs, and around nine weeks later I had lost 35 pounds, all my bloods were perfect, and I cracked it. And then I got involved in the health world.
So I already had the advantage of 10 years speaking against statins — pharmaceuticals that are useless, seeing the massive corporate corruption that was in bed with the… nutrition colleges and medical colleges… processed food industry… pharma. And I knew the whole thing was a scam. So when covid came along… in March of 2020… I thought it was like a swine flu re-run, like the nonsense that was completely collapsed by the world’s media [in 2009] as the nonsense that it was. So I thought… they’re going to get a run-out for a few weeks and then it’ll just collapse because its patently ridiculous.
This clip from Channel 4 in 2010 — when journalists were actually doing something resembling real journalism — is well worth a look:
Here is Dr Wolfgang Wodarg (as featured in the above Channel 4 clip) speaking early in the covid era:
I somehow doubt he’ll be appearing on Channel 4 News again any time soon…
Early in the covid era
[7:26] I saw the Diamond Princess cruise ship. I did a quick mental calculation, and it put this covid thing in the envelope of a severe flu. And that’s exactly what it turned out to be, and I knew that in March 2020.
According to the UK government’s Office for National Statistics, before the country was ordered into lockdown on 23rd March 2020, the number of registered deaths was at normal levels, ever though covid had been circulating since the end of January:
By way of contrast, and again according to the ONS, in the winter of 2017/2018 there had been more than 50,000 excess winter deaths in England and Wales:
And hardly anyone seemed to notice, let alone suggest that we should act any differently.
I told my wife when she was going to get masks… I explained to her… she’s a first class honours engineer too, so it took me two minutes to explain to her… Diamond Princess and I said maybe my 85-year-old mother might be affected, but I knew her blood work and I knew she had no immune deficiency, and she was very low insulin-resistance, so I said she probably won't be affected at all. [And I was] correct on that as well. Four years later… nothing. And that was it. But I got involved…
For April I was simply treating [covid] as a real phenomenon. And I was treating the reason they were propagandising [as] stupidity. And then people began to send me links to CommonPass… and I said “Uh-oh”. And then people brought to my attention the World Economic Forum. I’d never heard of them, and I said, “Uh-oh.”
And by May/June, I knew, with the mandatory masks in Europe… when the hospitals were empty… a seasonal virus that was gone until the following October/November with certainty… nothing was happening. And next minute the whole of Europe had to have mandatory masks with prison sentences and fines for non-compliance. And that [to me was] absolute proof that that the scam was coming down from the top. Because how could any stupid idiot even think to do that?
The reason clearly was they had a big kind of doldrums in the summer. Nothing was happening, and they knew it would be very hard to get all the sheep-people back on the game come October/November when they had a bit of hospital action. And they realised [they had] got a problem. And some really smart person in their network said, “What if we put masks on all of them? That’ll continue a feeling of pandemia.” And it worked.
[Interview] Right. And keep it on the forefront of their mind… remind them constantly over and over and over again. And this just buys us time to get to where the curve will go back up, and we can get them indoors and controlling them more.
Clear as crystal.
A visual representation
[10:16] [Interviewer] Why don’t we go over to [the] incredible matrix that you [put together]… I’m a very visual learner, so when I see a visual like this it really helps me connect the dots…
This is the visual shown in the video:
And this is a more recent and more refined version:
If you haven’t seen such a diagram before, I recommend pondering it.
[Cummins] …it occurred to me that a lot of laypeople and even somewhat “awake” people… they see all this stuff happening, and they’re willing to believe covid was corruption, and they’re willing to say the war on farmers is invalid, and it’s something political, and it’s not right… But when you add in all the other things going on, they’re not willing to accept that they’re all connected and integrated together.
And I thought, well, if I do this diagram, I’ll just explain how they are. And it’s self-evident to someone who’s been looking at this for the last couple of years… And my corporate senior buddies at high levels who [also have an] engineering background all 100% agree with this, and they just see it immediately. But it’s hard for the layperson.
So… covid-19 program… This is a form of root cause diagram we use in complex problem solving [root cause analysis] and it’s… so people can visualise all of the different causes in a multifactor multicausal problem, and see how they all interact. So I just ported it across for this…
So… [the] covid-19 program through mass formation established psychology [MF in the diagram] which they of course know… Mass formation [described by] Professor Matthias Desmet… fantastic work… He filled in gaps for me… mass formation… you just keep going 24/7 and telling people something, and you get a mass formation going where people stop thinking after a couple of weeks and… their brain just says, “This is the big thing. My society. My tribe. This is the big thing.”
And after a while they just don’t ask questions. You’ve got them. So lockstep authoritarianism, which people would never normally accept, through mass formation of covid and “Save Granny” and “biggest pandemic since Spanish Flu” — which was nonsense… you get them… to accept lockstep. And that of course weakens society in a very dangerous way. And that… goes towards the globalist “Utopia” which they want, which is a kind of social credit Chinese-style system.
I recommend Desmet’s book The Psychology of Totalitarianism:
Albeit with the caveat that it should in no way exonerate the behaviour of behavioural psychologists.
But… the covid program… delivers a lot more… There’s a transfer of power. In March 2020 the CEO of YouTube — I nearly fell out of my seat — she said anyone who contradicts the WHO, which is a totally captured organisation of Big Pharma, WEF, the UN… anyone who contradicts them will be taken down from YouTube. Wow! So you’re transferring power to the biosecurity state, the WHO etc. And that obviously is a huge help towards their ultimate goals… Agenda 2030…
But there’s more, because partner profiteering is another huge side-benefit of covid. The mask manufacturers… hundreds of billions to their corporate partners like Pfizer and the rest. And then because all the corporates… especially Pharma and the big Banks and big box stores and Amazon… are all funding partners of the World Economic Forum… so you let them wet their beak and bring in enormous revenues and then they in turn will fund the WEF more.
So it’s just so synergistic. It bolsters your alliances with all of the big corporates and Big Tech.
The whole covid event was surely the biggest heist in history:
And yet I don’t recall hearing much about this from organisations supposedly representing workers…
It’s almost a thing of beauty… It’s so sick, but it is amazing, and covid also made censorship great again… The censorship apparatus was accepted because “Granny was dying” right?
Although no more grannies were dying than usual prior to the nation being locked down on 23rd March 2020:
People were struggling for breath and they were showing it 24/7, so people accepted censorship. And that’s the biggest strike against a healthy society you can ever do… censorship… so, again, it feeds the Beast.
So covid was a huge one, and it was also a kind of a trigger event. For 20-30 years the World Economic Forum had 4,000 global leaders. Go through its young leaders program… And they were all kind-of indoctrinated that there could be a pandemic… there could be a major loss of trust, and they were trained. And when the pandemic came along, like Pavlov’s dogs they all would have just… said, “Oh, this is what we talked about. This is from all the whiteboarding and sessions.” So people need to realise they’ve been well prepared for decades with all of these Young Global Leader sessions.
So this is how you do it. This is corporate. So that’s… covid... But then gender and trans…
Here is the WEF webpage with a link to who the current Young Global Leaders are. And here is a list of past Young Global Leaders.
Weakening society
[Interviewer, 16:36] Each one of these inputs that have so many different… components… all lead to a weakening of society which then feeds into their ability to create this globalist “Utopia”…?
[Cummins] Absolutely… And that’s a great reminder, because I put “weaken society” — not by accident — in red because it’s the worst possible thing for us [and] it’s the best and most important thing for them.
So you see “weaken society” comes up everywhere because that’s the ultimate goal. Because the ultimate enabler [to a globalist “Utopia”] is to weaken society. You can do all the other stuff… get your laws in… get your censorship in… But weakening society enables every goal and every strategy.
So gender and trans… people think, “Come on? What’s that got to do with… biotech and pharma and covid nonsense?” Well, it erodes fundamental truths and weakens society [as the covid era did].
And that’s really what [the confusion about gender is] for. Weaken the family unit. Weaken traditions. And weaken certainties. Societies need certainties: up/down; black/white; male/female. They’re part of what ties society together… the bedrock of certainties. And they’ve actually gone after male/female, which is very clever… and it leads towards the goals. It won’t deliver them in its own right, but it’s hugely synergistic and supportive.
[Interviewer] One thing also too… I always saw the whole gender/trans thing through the Malthusian lens... I call them the Marxist, Malthusian, eugenicist cult… if I wanted fewer people on the planet… I’m just going to convince… every guy that they’re a girl and every girl [that] they're a guy. And… if you can convince them of that… guess what… you’re going to have a lot fewer babies… What do you think about that?
[Cummins] I absolutely agree… I’ve had huge feedback on [the original diagram] to add things in and… that’s one that wasn’t mentioned… it’s going to have to go in. I’m going to be doing a new [revision of the diagram] because… that’s not the main thrust, but it’s a huge side benefit, just like partner profiteering is a huge side benefit of covid. But it’s not the main reason.
The guys are there… with caviar and champagne with the whiteboard thinking stuff like that: “Wow! This is going to help with depopulation too!” And the Pritzkers… I think one of them is a [US] governor… there’s articles out now clear as crystal… the trans movement is funded by multi-billionaires… And of course the wetting of the beaks… the whole medical surgical industry is going to make an absolute killing. So like covid, everyone who’s anyone in this horrific kind of strategy is wetting their beak and benefiting, so it’s really perfect for them.
Re the Pritzers, see e.g. this article:
There is a growing industry that presumably profits from young people confused about their sexuality:
Energy and climate
[Cummins, 20:24] If you take climate and CO2… I said [that] when covid began to wane and they began to give up and they realised there was a lot of pushback and awareness, and they couldn’t keep going forever… they backed off, but of course they went straight to climate. And all the newspapers and all the media were suddenly exploding about climate because that’s just another strategy…
I am reminded again of Pfizer’s former Chief Scientist Dr Mike Yeadon who contends, having done a lot of research, that:
Very wealthy people, the kind of people who run foundations with names, [intend to] strip us of our freedoms by persuading us that there are very frightening events occurring in the world, and we need them to lead us to safety...
They were asked to come up with scenarios that would produce challenges to countries that couldn’t be solved by countries on their own, so they would have to look outwards and upwards to supranational solutions.
And guess what the two things they came up with are...
* Pandemics of infectious disease
* Climate change crises
Like others, Cummins has come essentially to the same conclusion.
There are certainly plenty of similarities as I noted here:
As to climate, I am reminded of the footage of Greta Thunberg featured here:
And also of the weird contrast between 1970s warnings of an impending ice age…
…and the threat of “global boiling”…
…featured in this post:
As to the pivot from covid to climate, here for example is a 2022 clip of CNN’s Technical Director telling an undercover journalist that the plan was just that:
Back to the interview…
[Cummins] And there you’ve got wealth transfer of course. You’ve got centralized energy control. And you’ve got partner profiteering, and all the windmills, and all the solar panels, and… the beak wetting that’s going on is just comical… and carbon credits. [The climate narrative has] got massive benefits [for big business] and of course it massively weakens society.
[Interviewer] …It’s the Holy Grail as far as problems [go] for them, because it’s something that’s going to happen in a hundred years. “You got to trust me on this one… you got to give me all the power… all the control… all the money, because, if you don’t, human life on earth is going to be eradicated in 100 years… it’s like the War on Drugs… it’s like the War on Terror… they specifically choose these things that are totally abstract and unquantifiable and… where you can’t measure success or failure… because the only solution for [ever] is… “Just give me more power and control.”
The only solution is collectivism and… an ant farm with 15-minute cities… eating bugs… and an electric car… [and] if you say one thing against the government…your line’s caught…
I think awareness is growing, and that’s why the theme at Davos this year was mistrust and a failing of trust and institutions. But the Rand Corporation in 2006 did a big exercise for the World Economic Forum, and they highlighted… potential pandemics and also a problem of misinformation and trust. And that was 2006. So these guys knew what was coming when they rolled out their [covid] nonsense. But I think they’re finding it a little difficult now to deal with it. And they’re rushing in censorship… hate speech laws and throwing everything at the wall to head off the growth of awareness. So it’s really getting interesting.
I considered “The w(e)akening of society” as a title for this post.
Climate disaster was identified in the 1950s… whiteboarded by Rockefeller Brothers Fund… There was no scientist there, not one, but it was identified as a very great opportunity for a global issue that’s exactly as you describe… can’t really be measured… it’s going to happen way down the road. But it was perfect for them…
Humanity viewed as the enemy
[Cummins, 24:20] After the collapse of the Soviet Union [the globalists]… said in their own book that they were seeking an enemy that they could [use to] propagandise and fool the “ant people”… They actually said [that] when looking for a common enemy… climate disaster could fit the bill. That’s their words… nothing to do with it being real.
And then they said… that humanity itself was now the enemy. [They thought] that’s our story… that “You little ants are now the enemy. And we’re going to have to protect you from yourselves. All of us rich guys with Rockefeller and Kissinger.” So it’s just… self-evident fraud, just comical.
And their book was The First Global Revolution… it’s all in black and red, and it looks straight out of 30s Germany — or Soviet… black and red colours.
It’s available to read here:
Psychology and technocracy
[Interviewer 25:48] …I try to put myself in their position, as as hard as that may be… if I’m these guys, what would I do just starting from scratch… and… I wouldn’t reinvent the wheel. I would just go back to Stalin and I’d… go back to Goebbels… and I would say, “What did these guys do that worked really, really well?” [And I’d say] “Well, I’m gonna take this from Stalin. I’m gonna take this from 1930s Germany… and propaganda… and I’m just gonna make it new for the modern age. And I’m going to implement the exact same strategies. Why would you do anything different? So I think if want to see where they’re going, or the strategies that they’re going to use in the future, we just have to look at history, and that’ll be our guide.
[Cummins] …that is precisely right. I happen to [have been] for around 15 or 20 years a World War II buff, and I think that was another huge advantage I had. I've watched thousands of hours of documentaries. I’ve also been very interested in psychology in my people management job, and I think I was just very lucky on that front as well. Because this stuff is an open book [when you have the right background]. They are absolutely leveraging the best methods of the past few hundred years.
I am reminded of the testimony from Germany, in relation to both the 2020s and the Nazi era, featured in this section of this post:
And they also have a fleet of psychologists at their calling. So basically SAGE,7 the covid kind of propaganda team in the UK — and I think it was similar around the world… nearly half of their whole team for managing covid were psychologists. And it was all around the psychology of controlling the people.
They’ve got all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed. They’re following history… what worked, what didn’t work… And they reckon [that] with a technocracy and with corporate methods they’ll succeed where Stalin and Hitler failed.
I am reminded of these posts8 on Biderman’s Chart of Coercion:
And this one on behavioural insights:
Beyond Marxism
[Interviewer, 27:53] Especially when you combine AI. That’s another thing that resonates constantly when you read their blog posts [e.g. those of the WEF] even going back quite a few years.
So in my view they’re going to try to combine this with a CBDC [Central Bank Digital Currency] and — let’s just give them the benefit of the doubt, and assume they have good intentions… But yet they’re socialists… Marxist.
They’re like, “Okay, well Marxism didn’t work because we didn’t have price signals. Well, problem solved. We’ll just have a CBDC and we’ll connect every single transaction in real time to AI, and the Artificial Intelligence will tell us how to allocate resources more efficiently than a price signal, and plus, again — bonus — we get all the power and control, so we can control the little ants.” Or the ant people [as] you refer to it. I just call it the average Joe and Jane.
The desire for control
[Cummins, 28:41] [The phrase “ant people”] came from my daughter actually. In the summer of 2020 I had my darkest two days and I really almost felt like giving up. And that was because they pulled in the mandatory masks, and it worked. And I had predicted everything they were going to do over the years, but that one was genius and I did not predict it. And I was quite down for a couple of days because I realised, that is so smart, the mask nonsense.
But my daughter when we were talking about it… I explained what they were doing, and she’s a very smart girl, and she just stopped for a moment and shook her head. And I said, “What?” And she said, “They want an ant farm?” And I just laughed. And I never forgot it, because that’s exactly it. It’s not nasty depopulation and mass murder because, as you absolutely correctly said… just make people not want to have kids, and do some other stuff in that arena, and create an environment where no-one really wants to have kids anymore because they’re like battery ends, and you get your depopulation in a few generations.
They’re not in a panic for it because they know it’s nonsense that the earth can't support… seven or eight billion people. It’s just complete nonsense, so they just want to get the numbers down, have a nice ant farm and sit and lord over it. Because lording over animals is no good to these sociopaths. They want huge money, but when they get massive money and control they then want to subjugate their own species. They’re not going to be satisfied with subjugating animals. It has to be their own species… They won’t feel good about themselves unless they’re lording over their fellow man.
So that’s another huge driver they have… to feel power. You need to be lording it over your own species… fellow man. And that’s another thing that drives them, unfortunately. That’s the way they are.
[Interviewer] I always say that they have an insatiable lust for power. When you were talking about an ant farm, it makes me wonder if they also want Animal Farm as in the book from Orwell…
Yes, absolutely… two legs good, four legs bad… all that stuff, all animals are equal, and then… some are a little more equal than others… It’s always the same…
Financial CBDCs
[Interviewer, 31:23] Let’s go back to the [diagram] and let Ivor finish…
[Cummins] I will go really fast now, because I think people now have got the flavour of it…
So financial CBDC… I think you’d probably agree…? One of the big goals for covid was to get the universal global Digital ID which would enable CBDC which is a huge play of control as you described. And CBDC is just unbelievable. You have centralised financial control. You have a massive censorship apparatus.
So we saw Trudeau [in Canada] with existing kind of systems shut down the trucker protest. Imagine CBDC… the power. I mean you’d be at China-level of power over your citizens, and that weakens society… I mean just literally takes away the agency of society.
Mass migration
[Cummins, 32:27] And then mass migration. Sometimes people are confused. They say, “Yeah, but why would mass migration…”
They don’t know about the 1926 Pan-European Union…
A group of very wealthy guys got together, including Count Kalergi, and they documented that the only way they would get a European superstate which they wanted… a globalist thing… was… You can’t have nationalistic different cultures… different kind of histories… peoples in all the countries of Europe. You had to somehow make them into one bland blob with no diversity and culture that would resist a superstate. And they got the perfect idea.
Flood the zone… of each country with very-different-looking, very-different-culture people, who ideally would not integrate. If they come in [and] they’re just white people, and they look the same and they integrate, that’s not really that useful [to their aim]. So you need to go much further afield or bring in very different people and flood the zone. And then you’ll break up the nationalism and the sovereignty in the individual nations.
The United Nations is quite open about “replacement migration”. Here is a Press Release from 2000:
And more recently, Peter Sutherland, who shamefully [for me] is an Irish guy, was head of Goldman Sachs. And then he walked into the UN in a senior position and he gave a landmark lecture… He effectively said this without quite saying it… we need to destroy nationalism and sovereignty in the European nations if we want to move forward with the European project. So that’s what the mass migration is all about.
Here is Sutherland featured in a BBC article in 2012:
The war on farmers
[Cummins, 34:20] And then the war on farmers. They need to create dependency. If you have individual countries with healthy food, locally produced, and you try and squeeze them by cutting off energy supplies and creating fake crises, they’re kind of still resilient, and they’ve got their own local food, so they can kind of tell you to eff off.
But if you replace local food and healthy farming of real food with a pipeline of corporate internationally-shipped junk food, you weaken [the people] physiologically, which weakens them mentally, and you make them dependent on your pipeline. So that’s the primary thing for the war on farmers, using the excuse of nitrogen or CO2 or some other made-up nonsense.
And of course, partner profiteering. Bill Gates now has bought a ton of farmland, and he’s making fake meat and fake breast milk and they’re intending there'll be a ton of profit as well to wet the beak of all their corporate partners. The anti-meat propaganda is a 100-year-old thing, but now they’re really deploying it, because if you have a population… this sounds a little bit of a stretch but believe me it’s true… if you in the morning only had meat, fish and eggs as a food [then] magically, within a few weeks, hypertension and the hypertension drugs market (which is enormous) would collapse. The statin market would collapse. And people would be feeling slimmer, stronger, more mental acuity and a lot more resistance… you can be damn sure of it.
So that’s what this whole axis is about. Weaken society physiologically… mentally. And make them dependent on your corporate junk food.
[Interviewer] How do we fight back?
I always say… I view it simply… It’s a two-hander.
On the one hand, you create awareness of this, because that will collapse it if we get enough awareness. And the guideline for that is, never ever pass on a kind of steamy story about what you saw on Facebook. Only quote kind-of mainstream media… when they do cover something like lockdowns… And only cover stuff that’s published [where] you can show them the sources... stick to sources you can completely stand over… published… and raise awareness.
I don’t often put this button in, but it seems appropriate here:
And the second-hander is live it. So live what we oppose. That means using cash inasmuch as possible… buying from local providers… farmers… whatever you can do there… as much as possible. Minimise your purchases and interactions with the big WEF member corporates. I know it’s difficult. You need a good smartphone, okay. But in general, minimise… [purchases that benefit corporations]…
[And] meet locally, physically, with people. Make an extra effort. Build your community. Meet people in real life and just pull yourself away from this internet nonsense. And do all those things.
[Interviewer] And also realise that there’s a lot of room for optimism…
I guess that Cummins would identify with the sentiments of the cartoon featured in this post from New Year’s Day:
Create awareness
Be Everything They don’t want us to be
The remainder of the discussion — which I found worth listening to — focuses on events in the Republic of Ireland at the time of the interview.
The whole theme of weakening society and the bigger picture reminds me of the spiritual dimension to what has been — and still is — going on.
For there is of course a still-bigger picture, one aspect of which I explored in this post:
And other aspects of which are discussed in The Big Reveal — links below this post.
And I am reminded of the spiritual battle that William Philip spoke about here in the podcast featured in this post:
“We’ve got to be courageous in the cause of truth”.
Cummins’ diagram is comprehensive but by no means exhaustive. One aspect of the weakening of society that he describes, but which is not expressly mentioned even on his more-recent diagram, is that of the church. And it is not difficult to see how the church has bought into at least some aspects of the agenda of the globalists (pictured in red above). There is thus surely a case to be made that the weakening of society that Cummins describes is not unrelated to the witness of the Church at large, and perhaps particularly that of the Church of England.
Dear Church Leaders most-read articles
Some posts can, including a version of this one, also be found on Unexpected Turns
The Big Reveal: Christianity carefully considered as the solution to a problem
He acknowledges Jacob Nordangård, a Swedish researcher who is the author of Rockefeller: Controlling the Game:
The UK government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies. If you haven’t seen them, it’s worth reading What SAGE got wrong by Pfizer’s former Chief Scientist Mike Yeadon, and also SAGE Conflicts of Interests and other matters by Dr Zoë Harcombe.
[Update] I had the second one scheduled for publication at the time I posted this article