Apocalypse now
The fraud reveal coming at all levels of our institutions will be epic in nature; many tenets once held dearly are being revealed as untruths
Dear Church Leaders (and everyone else)
I am writing here of an apocalypse in its literal sense — the removal of concealment, a lifting of the veil.
The apo- part of the Greek word apokalypsis (ἀποκάλυψις) means “away from” or “off” as in apogee (away from the earth), apostle (one sent forth) or apostasy (a standing away).
And the -kalypsis part (κάλυψις) means “covering” or “hiding”. It is also found in the words calypso (the name of the mythical nymph who “hid” Odysseus) and eclipse (literally a failure to appear).
Hence apocalypse as an uncovering, a disclosure, or indeed a revelation.
As in the title of the final book of the Bible — Revelation — which begins with the words:
Apokalypsis Iēsou Christou…
The revelation of Jesus Christ…
Apocalypse now
I was struck by a recent post from former hedge fund manager Ed Dowd who I featured in these articles…
He predicts:
The fraud reveal coming at all levels of our institutions will be epic in nature.
It will be apocalyptic in the sense of the Greek root of the word.
The etymology traces back to the Greek word apokalyptikos which means “uncover, disclose and reveal.” It comes from the Greek word which literally means to pull the lid off something.
Isn’t that exactly what we are seeing from all spheres of life? Tenets… once held dearly revealed as untruths?
I guess Dowd has in mind particularly the past few years. And maybe spheres of life including (but not limited to):
global institutions such as the United Nations, the World Health Organisation, and the World Economic Forum
large corporate businesses
government, at both national and local level
banking and finance
the military
the justice system
the police
academia, and particularly some prestigious universities
school education
freedom of speech
religious institutions
the pharmaceutical industry
scientific publishing
broadcasting — TV and radio
journalism — newspapers and magazines
the film industry
the music industry
sport governing bodies
And perhaps dearly-held tenets along the lines of:
global institutions are broadly a good thing and have our best interests at heart
large corporate businesses do more good than harm on balance
government is not perfect, but we live in a democracy, and the system works well enough
the political system is not perfect, but it has its checks and balances, and it has been good for us on the whole
royal families have the interests of the people at heart
bankers may be greedy, but the financial system is stable and sustainable, and ultimately works well for most people
we fight wars to protect democracy
health regulators can be trusted to act independently to ensure that medical products are safe; it’s always worth following the advice of doctors and nurses; and any whistleblowers will receive adequate protection when they speak out
the justice system is fair and works for the greater good, and the regulators can be trusted to support lawyers and solicitors speaking up for ethical principles
policing is conducted fairly for the general benefit of all people in society
we can be proud of our university system, where open debate and the exchange of ideas are welcome
the State can be trusted with providing our children with a good education to equip them for life in the modern world
we have freedom of speech
religious institutions — and their leaders — will tell the truth, even if no-one else does
the pharmaceutical industry wants us to become healthier, and there are appropriate checks and balances to ensure that it acts ethically and responsibly
the peer-review system works well for scientific publishing
we can trust our broadcasters — particularly the BBC — to bring us objective coverage of news both at home and abroad, and media regulators can be trusted to serve the interests of the people
we can trust journalists from our wide range of newspapers and magazines to investigate corruption and to reveal scandals
the film industry provides great entertainment, and is not particularly corrupt
in the music industry, plenty of prominent artists are anti-establishment
sport governing bodies will stick up for the interests of individual sportsmen and sportswomen
Dowd writes from a US perspective. And I guess his list would be somewhat different from mine. But what he says surely applies to the UK and other countries.
To those looking carefully, there has been ample evidence of corruption for long enough, and certainly prior to 2020. But the past few years have — for those who take the time and trouble to think carefully about what is actually happening — seen a lifting of the veil. For, as anyone who looks beyond the mainstream media to find out more about how the world actually operates can discern, the corruption runs much, much deeper than most people perceive.
For many, the covid era was a wake-up call, with suspicions confirmed by what has been happening ever since 2020. In the spheres of life above, most of those with authority went along with the covid deception, and are now silent about it — despite the various evident societal harms. And some are actively trying to brush what has happened under the proverbial carpet.
It is one thing to make naive errors of judgement at a stressful time — whatever the motivation. But it is quite another to go on protecting the lies years after the event.
I invite anyone who doubts Dowd’s words — the fraud reveal coming at all levels of our institutions will be epic in nature — to read what he wrote about covid in May 2020 in the Ed Dowd (part 1): a prophecy of sorts post highlighted earlier. What he said four and half years ago could be viewed as prophetic, but it requires no supernatural explanation. It is the result of someone making observations, thinking carefully and joining the dots. Dowd made his fortune out of seeing long-term trends early.
One way or another, and whether we can see it or not, epic revelation is happening. And much more is coming. And it really is — in the sense of the removing of concealment — an apocalypse to behold. For those able and willing to recognise it, many tenets once held dearly are indeed being revealed as untruths.
Apocalypse in the church
It is, I think, worth elaborating briefly here on the sphere of religious institutions, and particularly the Christian church, in which many leaders relentlessly pushed the covid narrative of fear and lies. And the injections:
To reiterate: It is one thing to make naive errors of judgement at a stressful time — whatever the motivation. But it is quite another to go on protecting the lies years after the event. And it is something else to do so when claiming to be following the one who is the Truth.1
It is not a good look.
Churches need to wake up and act:
You may be interested to know that I have written (twice) to many of the church leaders and organisations featured in the Medical propaganda from church leaders article above. But I do not recall receiving a single substantial response, i.e. something more than e.g. “Thank you for your email. I will pass it on to the relevant people.” Most did not reply at all.
And when I recently requested a conversation with the wardens at the large city centre church I attend — none of whom have deigned to talk with me about any of the concerns I have raised — their collective reply2 was to offer a meeting where the only topic for discussion would be the stopping of my emails to church staff and wardens.
The great sorting continues
In relation to both the world at large, and churches3 in particular, I am reminded of this post from several months ago:
It’s still happening. Institutions and individuals inadvertently revealing their character.
But I do sense the Almighty at work.
Though the mills of God grind slowly,
Yet they grind exceeding small;
Though with patience he stands waiting,
With exactness grinds he all.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Dear Church Leaders most-read articles
Some posts, including a version of this one, can also be found on Unexpected Turns
The Big Reveal: Christianity carefully considered
There are four in total: two churchwardens and two deputy churchwardens
Plus many parachurch organisations