A US obstetrician/gynaecologist's open letter to Mark Zuckerberg
Dr James Thorp in the context of the Meta CEO's recent statement about Facebook censorship
Dear Church Leaders (and everyone else)
From time to time, it has occurred to me that this article — one of the first I posted — is due another update:
And I was reminded of it again last week…
Dr James Thorp
One of the most courageous and vocal medics I have seen speaking up for mothers and babies during the covid era is US obstetrician/gynaecologist Dr James Thorp, who is the author of this Substack:
His story is told in this forthcoming book:1
Some of the reviews:
Dr. Jim Thorp stood as a rock-solid pier of truth and integrity in a sea of corruption that swept into the field of obstetrics and gynecology. Thorp stood tall, called out corruption and malfeasance, and was willing to pay any price to protect mother and baby from this attack. This book should be shared from mother to obstetrician, one-by-one, all over the globe. Thorp is the rock!
Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, author of The Courage to Face COVID-19Readers may or may not agree with Dr. Thorp’s conclusions regarding the malign intent of those who engineered the miserably failed response to COVID. But after reading chapter one, it will be impossible not to understand how Dr. Thorp came to their them. The authors are well aware of the scorn and vilification that will be their reward for writing this book. I hope everyone will reward their courage by reading Sacrifice with an open mind that will allow their eyes to be opened.
Ron Johnson, US Senator, WisconsinDr. James Thorp has long been the only, and now, among the very few, obstetricians to come forward and speak up about the damage that ‘the deadliest vaccine in history’ has done to babies in utero, to moms-to-be, and to newborns. He also exposed the industrial-scale corruption of the field of obstetrics by vaccine money. If history is ever properly written, Dr. Thorp will be honored as the man who sought to save generations unborn.
Naomi Wolf, PhD, author of The Bodies of Others, co-founder and CEO of DailyClout.ioThe authors provide a personal first-hand, referenced, and accurate, exposé of the mRNA ‘vaccine’ debacle promoted by the dysfunctional leadership of ACOG [American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists], ABOG [American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology], and the SMFM [Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine]. By early 2021, it was clear that not one pregnant woman should have ever been given a COVID-19 ‘vaccine’, which are still in use. Every mother in the US should be outraged, yet the silence is deafening due to medical censorship.
Dr. Steven J. Hatfill, medical advisor, 2020 Executive Office of the President
An open letter
In the Updates (Sep 24) post, I featured Mark Zuckerberg’s signing of a letter to the Chairman of the US House Judiciary Committee acknowledging that — in the context of repeated pressure from senior Biden administration officials — Facebook played an active role in the systematic censorship of those speaking out against the covid narrative.
Further to a meeting in November with president-elect Trump, Zuckerberg has recently made this statement about Facebook censorship, which is nicely satirised here:
And it is in the context of that announcement that Dr Thorp wrote this open letter to the Meta CEO:
I thought it worth sharing in full, along with some visual material and links.
My Open Letter to Mark Zuckerberg
From James A Thorp MD
Dear Mark,
Your insincere “come to Jesus” meeting2 with President Trump at Mara-a-Lago and acknowledgment of censorship on your Facebook platform is a joke. It’s nothing more than an attempt to CYA from future litigation and criminal charges.
You owe ME a personal apology and an apology to multiple other physicians whom you censored and destroyed professional careers and reputations. But that’s the least of the offensive and criminal actions that you have committed.
You violated the first amendment rights of many of us, but also ALL the American citizens’ right to hear expert physician’s who had the truthful insights of the dangers of the COVID-19 “vaccines”. These doctors will ultimately be judged as “The Physicians on The Right Side of History”.
You also violated the first amendment rights of ALL AMERICANS as you censored them from hearing experts with dissenting opinions of the dangers of this “vaccine”.
They were never vaccines. They were highly dangerous gene therapy injections that had failed miserably in animal studies.
As a result Mark, you were one of the major contributors to the rolling out of the deadliest medication in world history. This is proven by Pfizer’s own 5.3.6 post-market, legally-mandated report of adverse events after rollout.
That Pfizer report can be found here:
Although NB the so-called “Pfizer vaccine” is in fact owned by the German company BioNTech which earns far more from global sales of the vaccine than Pfizer:
In just 10 weeks Mark, there were 42,086 casualties including 1,223 DEAD. Pfizer’s report indicated that their “vaccine” targeted women at a ratio of 3.2-to-1 (p < 10^-9). See page 7 of Pfizer’s report pictured below.
Here is a snapshot of p7:
And here is Dr Thorp’s related annotated slide:
Pfizer’s vaccine also targeted the most vulnerable, pregnant women, preborns, and newborns as evidenced on page 12 of Pfizer’s report pictured below.
Here is a snapshot of p12:
And here is Dr Thorp’s related annotated slide:
Mark, do you realize that YOU colluded with Pfizer and the government to attempt to hide this data above for 75 years?
As detailed e.g. here:
Mark, many experts calculate that YOU were one of the major contributors to the COVID-19 “vaccines” killing or injuring 30 million Americans and 600 million global citizens.
I am of the opinion that you should be indicted for perjury, fraud, collusion, conspiracy, racketeering, assault and battery, murder, and mass genocide.
You should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
Ultimately, unless you sincerely repent you will be judged in this life or the next.
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” (Galatians 6:7 NIV)
All My Best,
James A Thorp, MD
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