Dear Church Leaders
A recent footnote
In this recent post in relation to sickness and disease since 2021…
I wrote that:
Although there have been reports of increased levels of sickness and disease in the mainstream media, there has been relatively little mention of a certain novel medical intervention that was rolled out across populations, including the young, in many Western countries in 2021.
Some of the information in the main body of this post (below) makes no mention of the covid injections. Some does. I see it as my role to present some of the evidence and to leave readers to draw their own conclusions in relation to the extent of the effects of the injections (a word which I have long maintained provides a rather more accurate description than “vaccines”).
But I will say that I think we should be increasingly suspicious of anyone who discusses the recent rise in sickness and disease — which in many cases started in 2021 — without even mentioning that covid injections might be a contributory factor.
And in that context, I thought it worth clarifying my own position on vaccines in a footnote. But it has since occurred to me that relatively few people may read that footnote, and that some of the issues raised deserve a post of their own, building somewhat on what the content of the footnote.
A conversion of sorts
I have generally considered myself to be someone who considers the evidence carefully. In relation to the Christian faith I have even written about some of the evidence that I have carefully considered, and put it on a Substack for anyone to read:
But at the same time, I have generally been someone who has been fairly trusting of authorities about some things. Including vaccines.
Prior to 2020, I had accepted all the vaccines I had ever been offered. For some years I had even paid for an annual flu vaccine. I was under 50 years of age, and had had a couple of bad bouts of something resembling flu in my 20s and 30s, and my (erroneous) working assumption was that a flu vaccine wouldn’t do me any harm, and might help somewhat. Looking back, I could reasonably have described myself as something of a vaccine evangelist. But I had not given much consideration — let alone careful consideration — to the evidence for what I believed.
No longer.
The push for covid injections woke me up. As I began to see the fraudulent tactics being used to promote the novel gene-based covid injections as “safe and effective vaccines”, and as I read more about past medical scandals, I began to wonder about vaccines more generally. I had previously trusted the authorities and not looked into the data. And when I did, I found various things that shocked and surprised me, among them that:
in vaccine trials, a true placebo (e.g. saline, rather than another vaccine) is not often used for comparison, and there is a lack of long-term safety monitoring
some of the ingredients used in vaccines have not been robustly tested for long-term safety
historical records (see e.g. Dissolving Illusions, snapshot below) show that the number of people dying from various diseases had fallen to very low levels before the relevant vaccines became available (with the improvements in public health probably being due largely to advances in sanitation, living standards, and basic medical care)
there is a reluctance to do trials which could establish the extent to which the growing number of routine childhood vaccinations may be linked to chronic sickness
The above list could be much longer and more expansive, but I do not intend this article to be a long one. So I shall leave it at that. And mention some resources below for those inclined to investigate further.
As a result of the above, my whole outlook has changed. I no longer trust the authorities. I’d now be willing to pay not to have a flu vaccine! And I’d certainly recommend steering clear of the HPV vaccine. Moreover, I would now recommend that anyone contemplating any form of vaccination — for themselves or for their children or for anyone else, or even for their pets(!) — looks carefully into the matter first. Taking into account the conflicts of interest of all concerned.
Not least in terms of being acquainted with both sides of the argument, I would recommend e.g. (whose homepage is curiously difficult to find on mainstream search engines…):
And particularly the book Turtles All The Way Down…
…the foreword, introduction and first chapter of which can be found here.
In November 2022, American entrepreneur and multi-millionaire Steve Kirsch offered $1,000 per error to anyone who could find factual mistakes in the above book. Six months later, no-one had been able to point to a single sentence in the book that is not true:
I realise it might seem rather odd to compare my change of heart about vaccines with a religious conversion. But I think there are various parallels, not least in terms of hearing of others with similar experiences, and seeing how people respond when I tell them how what I believe has changed. Several groups spring to mind:
A small but significant number of people — among them a disproportionate number of credible and experienced doctors and scientists — who tell of an experience that is very similar to mine.
Others who maintain that it is well-established that vaccines work well, and do much more good than harm, even if there are some rare adverse reactions. I recognise some of my former self in their response. I get the impression that people in this group think that I have been led astray. And even that, in the very act of questioning the conventional wisdom on vaccines, I am committing some sort of blasphemy — a theme to which I plan to return in a post later in the year. Thanks to the mainstream media and financial conflicts of interest, most people are largely unaware (as I was) of the extent of the damage caused by vaccines over the years.
And some offer little or no response at all. This is particularly typical of “Immunisation Teams” who — if they reply at all when asked for actual evidence that a particular vaccine does more good than harm — typically either appeal to authorities with conflicts of interest, or say essentially: “Thank you for your message. We’ll pass it on to the relevant people.” That aside, the footer of one particular email reply did not exactly inspire me with confidence:
A call for a complete moratorium on childhood vaccines
But in any case, the sands are shifting. Most NHS frontline healthcare workers in England are now declining covid “boosters”. And whereas only a few years ago around 75% of that same group of NHS staff took flu vaccines, the provisional data for 2023/2024 indicates that uptake has declined to below 50%. It thus appears that the majority of NHS frontline healthcare workers are now among the people that Boris Johnson and Keir Starmer (among many others) called “anti-vaxxers”.
Across the pond, things appear to be moving rather faster. Here is a two-minute clip (transcript below) of Dr Peter McCullough explaining why the World Council for Health has recently called for a complete moratorium on childhood vaccines.
What we have learned is… this [US] childhood vaccine schedule is not what we thought. And now, critically looking at it, we have a situation… we just learned that the World Council for Health, an international body, is calling for a complete moratorium on childhood vaccines — the first international organisation to call for that.
Why? Because the vaccines are piling up one after another. They are being given in multiple salvos. There are safety events… In 1986 the US passed legislation that indemnified the manufacturers of vaccines. In that legislation it says that the vaccines have unavoidable harm…
So what are the harms that we are seeing? It’s clear when the vaccines are given in multiple rounds — it’s probably no single vaccine and no single additive — but it’s the sum total of vaccines given at once. We’re seeing a strong signal toward neuropsychiatric disorders, so attention deficit disorder, Asperger’s, autism, seizures, allergic diseases, asthma, atopic dermatitis… Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
The converse is [that] papers by Mawson, Hooker, Miller, Thomas and an older Amish study… all five studies show that if children go natural — no vaccines whatsoever — they have the best outcomes. Freedom from these things.
When I was a kid, the rate of autism was 1 in 10,000. Now it’s 1 in 36. And there’s about 200 published manuscripts showing it’s immune system dysregulation… in a reactogenic phase of the vaccines, sometimes with a febrile seizure, the inflammatory factors go into the brain, probably permanently change it…
And the vignettes the mothers tell us… that the child was fine up until the time they took multiple rounds of vaccines and then they developed autism... those vignettes are almost certainly correct. We can’t pin it down to any single vaccine. But I’m telling you: in total, it doesn’t look good. This epidemic of autism is a tsunami. And… a third of mothers and young fathers [are going natural].
[Update: According to the latest figures from the Australian Immunisation Register, “Childhood vaccination rates have again dropped in Australia, with the last quarter report showing declines across most age groups in nearly every state and territory” (summary article here)]
To illustrate the extent of the US vaccine schedule, below is a diagram from US civil rights lawyer Aaron Siri…
…whose epic 2018 Vaccine Court Case Deposition interview with Dr Stanley Plotkin (sometimes known as the “Godfather of Vaccines”) can be found here:
[Update: This recent post from Aaron Siri is well worth reading]
Covid in context
Finally, returning to covid…
While it was the push for covid injections that woke me up, and while it was (and still is) egregious in many ways, I am increasingly convinced that it actually had quite a lot in common with what had happened previously in public health.
In the words of healthcare entrepreneur and co-chair of HART Jonathan Engler:
People think the malfeasance in relation to the covid “vaccines” was a one-off event. But I don’t think this is the case.
The only new features of the [covid] debacle are:
the harmfulness (potential and/or actual) of the product
the hysteria to get the product into so many arms
the government [footing] the entire bill for the product and its harms (in most jurisdictions)
Other than that, it looks like it was pretty much business as usual:
dodgy trials with irrelevant clinical endpoints
obfuscation of adverse events and other unhelpful data
exaggerated claims
manipulated statistics
capture of regulators and doctors
Other things could be added to the above list, not least the unprecedented scale of the co-ordinated campaign to attack and to censor anyone speaking out against the covid response.
But as far as I can tell, such observations (and many others) are consistent with a careful consideration of the evidence.
Update 1: for anyone thinking “anti-vaxxer” (a term which barely existed before 2005), this is one of the more thoughtful pieces I have seen:
Update 2:
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