The People's Vaccine Inquiry
Unveiling the truth: immediate access to expert testimony on covid vaccines
Dear Church Leaders (and everyone else)
The UK Covid Inquiry
It has been suggested to me on more than one occasion that we should let the UK Covid Inquiry take its course in order to establish what really happened in 2020/2021, and how we might best learn lessons from that time.
I find such a view naively optimistic to say the least. Not least in the context of what happened with the Hutton Inquiry.
Some of my take on the UK Covid Inquiry is outlined outlined here:
While the Scottish covid inquiry appears to be doing a fairly good job of finding out what actually happened — and I recommend checking out some of the testimony at that link1 — it seems to me that the UK covid inquiry will be worse than useless.
I share these sentiments of UK oncologist Karol Sikora:
One of the main issues with the UK covid inquiry is that exploration of vaccine-related issues (Module 4) has been deferred until January 2025, which would have been after the General Election whenever it had been called.
Moreover, nothing has changed despite a motion being passed on 18th April in the House of Commons calling on the Inquiry to move onto Module 4 without delay to investigate the safety and efficacy of the covid vaccines:
Here is a follow-up letter from Andrew Bridgen MP to Baroness Hallett a week later:
Moreover, according to pages 9 and 10 of this statement made at the UK Covid Inquiry on 22nd May, it does not appear that much consideration will be given to the safety and efficacy of covid vaccines in any case:
The People’s Vaccine Inquiry
It is in the context of the above that a courageous group of well-qualified people have set up The People’s Vaccine Inquiry, which launches today:
There are written statements from those involved…
And video testimonials (15-35 minutes)…
Much shorter clips (typically 1-2 minutes) can be found here for Clare Craig,2 Jonathan Engler, Patrick Fagan and Dean Patterson. And similar clips are available for Liz Evans, Ros Jones and Nick Hunt.
Because covid vaccine-related information is still heavily censored, The People’s Vaccine Inquiry team is urging supporters to contact their local GPs to alert them to what is happening:
It took only a couple of minutes to download the template letter, insert details3 and print a copy to send. I would encourage others to do likewise and to spread the word.
Dear Church Leaders homepage (or via Substack, or e.g. DuckDuckGo, but not Google for some reason)
The Big Reveal — Christianity carefully considered (which can also be found via Substack, or e.g. DuckDuckGo, but not Google)
The website has a typo in her name
I also added the words “in significant detail” at the end of the second paragraph (the one beginning “You are no doubt aware…”)