The first person to speak seems right until someone comes and asks the right questions
Twenty covid-related questions from October 2021
Dear Church Leaders
The first person to speak seems right until someone comes and asks the right questions (Proverbs 18:17)
Further to previous, please find below twenty covid-related questions and relevant information to consider.
For someone who has minimal time to spare, I would suggest focusing particularly on the following: Q1. exaggeration, Q5. lockdowns, Q11. Covid pre- and post-vax, Q13. vax adverse events, Q14. media, Q15. health authorities and pharma, Q17. vax passports
I have tried to keep to a minimum the material requiring technical expertise.
One thing I have learned while putting together these questions is that it is particularly important to keep an open mind on:
[i] whether we can trust what we have been told about Covid, even when those speaking have a reputation for trustworthiness
[ii] whether governments necessarily do what is in the best interests of the citizens they are supposed to be serving
One of the headings on the recent flyer advertising a church event comes to mind:
“You’re invited to examine the evidence”
[NB the links in the snapshots below do not work, but live links can be found below each one. While in some cases there are better links available now, in this post I have retained the original ones that I used in October 2021]
[Update 1: 36 questions asked in 2024 by World Council for Health Health & Science Lead Christophe Plothe can be found here c/o Dr Tess Lawrie]
[Update 2: Why have more people than usual been dying recently? with recent updates (April 2024) in relation to sickness and particular types of disease]
[Update 3: Statement from former Pfizer Vice President Dr Mike Yeadon to members of UK Parliament (December 2023); plus recent update (April 2024) re UK government policy (both in the article below)]
1. Why has the risk from Covid been exaggerated?
ONS data shows that the death rate in 2020 was not exceptionally high, especially when we take into account the deficit in health care due to lockdown
Chris Whitty in Spring 2020 (if error message appears, try reloading)
From UK Office for National Statistics (ONS)
ONS data via Freedom of Information request
NHS: 7m fewer appointments (and other charts)
2. How much do Covid PCR test results actually tell us?
The PCR test still has no false-positive rate, and so we cannot actually tell how many genuine Covid cases, hospitalisations and deaths there have been
the false positive rate for the Covid PCR test is "unknown"
casedemic… if we stopped testing
Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests ‘Unreliable’ & Quarantines ‘Unlawful’
A similar ruling in Austria
UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights 2005, Article 6
10-minute presentation from Norman Fenton
“when careful confirmatory retesting is done, most positive PCR tests of asymptomatic people come back negative”
3. Why for the past 18 months have we been told we are “in a pandemic”?
According to the UK government weekly flu and Covid reports, all-cause excess mortality was at or below baseline levels between the end of February and July 2021
UK government weekly flu and Covid-19
Spring 2020 peak overlaid with unusually bad flu epidemic peak from 1999/2000
UK (England) and Germany Data from European Mortality Monitor EuroMOMO
4. Why has natural immunity been downplayed?
Dozens of research studies affirm robust, long-lasting and broadly effective naturally acquired immunity to Covid, and it is reasonable to expect that people exposed to related coronaviruses (such as the common cold) also have immunity
5. Why has there not been more discussion of the evident harms of lockdowns?
Lockdowns cause catastrophic societal and economic harms, and there have been more than 60,000 non-Covid UK excess deaths
Link to do ‘benefits’ exceed ‘costs’ diagram (if error message appears, try reloading)
Covid-19 lockdowns: an overview of the evidence
Cases peaked, then we locked down - every time
Prof Simon Wood, University of Edinburgh
The transmission of respiratory viruses is poorly understood
Deaths at home – England, averaging around 800 non-Covid excess deaths per week
The widening gap between rich and poor
6. Why is Sweden’s success often downplayed?
Sweden stuck to the original pandemic plan and did not do lockdowns, and yet has fared better against Covid than comparable countries that did
Sweden, Covid and lockdown – a look at the data
Sweden: all-cause mortality rates per year
7. Why did ministers use covert behavioural psychology to scare the public?
The public has been unwillingly manipulated in order to advance authoritarianism
Times article (paywall) and related article
8. Why did the advice on masks change?
In Spring 2020, when there were thousands of UK excess deaths per week, we were instructed not to wear masks because they do more harm than good
Two minutes of clips from Spring 2020 when there were thousands of excess deaths per week (if error message appears, try reloading)
The ‘weaponization’ of behavioural psychology
Related article: mask symbolism
Are Face Masks Effective? The Evidence
Prof Hugh Montgomery claimed that those who do not wear masks “have blood on their hands”
Montgomery is listed as a director of at least two companies importing PPE
TV doctor Hilary Jones also has conflicts of interest
PPE contracts worth £12.3 billion
Mask hypocrisy in three very short clips and a photo (the other links no longer work)
Article: Face Mask Folly in Retrospect
Article: Masks are nothing more than a comfort blanket
3-minute interview with NHS Consultant Surgeon
9. Why are the authorities not being straight with us about the Covid injections?
The American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy calls Pfizer’s novel gene-based vaccine a milestone for Gene and Cell Therapy; clinical trials do not end before late 2022 (Moderna) or 2023 (others)
News article from the American Society of Cell + Gene Therapy
Clinical trial information via this link
COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and effectiveness – the elephant (not) in the room
Are the so-called vaccines necessary? Efficacious? Safe?
10. How safe are the Covid injections?
Data from around the world indicates that the number of Covid deaths often rises shortly after vax rollout
Doctors’ warning re Covid injections inducing blood clotting
"Denmark gives woman compensation for Covid- 19 vaccine side effects"
BMJ: Pfizer vax "'likely' responsible for deaths of some elderly patients
Two-minute video removed from YouTube
Scientific papers pointing to increased vax risk for those who previously had Covid
Potentially alarming trends in mortality data, especially among the young
Israel: data following "boosters"
Israel: a fourth injection? (other link unavailable)
Booster questions from NHS Consultant Surgeon
11. Why are there apparently more UK Covid deaths, hospitalizations and cases in 2021 (after vax) than 2020 (before vax)?
During the late summer/early autumn of 2021 (post-vax), it has appeared that UK Covid deaths, hospitalizations and cases are running at higher levels than for the same period in 2020 (pre-vax)
Worldometers Daily Deaths data
respiratory viruses tend to evolve to be more transmissible but less virulent
Daily Covid cases and patients in hospital
Warning from French Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier (link no longer works)
12. Why are unwarranted claims being made for vax effectiveness/safety, and why does the death rate appear higher among the vaxxed than the unvaxxed?
The UK government’s own data does not support the claims made for vax effectiveness/safety
recently (and also)
recent paper from European Journal of Epidemiology
13. Why is the US VAERS data not being more openly discussed?
Data from the US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System shows unprecedented levels of deaths and adverse events, with the bulk of these recorded within 72 hours of injection
All reported vaccine-related deaths by year
All reported vaccine-related deaths by days to onset (same link, scroll to bottom)
Other figures (same link again)
discouraged from reporting on VAERS
14. To what extent can we trust the mainstream media?
Many mainstream media organisations receive substantial funding from pharma etc., and few journalists are seriously challenging the prevailing Covid narrative
$1.01 M Gates donation to BBC (Nov 2020)
$3.5 M Gates donation to Guardian (Sep 2020)
$3.4 M Gates donation to Telegraph (Nov 2017)
Prof Norman Fenton on fullfact
Article: fact-checking the "fact-checkers”
Jim Smith of Reuters and Pfizer
Reuters linked with Ipsos MORI polling
UK Minister for Vaccines Nadhim Zahawi co-founded YouGov
many different TV stations (link no longer works)
Ole Skambraks, journalist at German equivalent of BBC, speaks out
Thought-provoking article re media and World Economic Forum links
15. Why should we trust health authorities and pharma companies?
A freedom of information request shows that the Pfizer study data was not inspected by the MHRA; in 2009, Pfizer were fined a record $2.3 billion in the largest-ever Health Care Fraud Settlement; also in 2009, medical authorities claimed that GSK’s Pandemrix vaccine had been “thoroughly tested” when it hadn’t
Apparently rigorous scientific assessment re Pfizer...?
Pfizer’s 2009 $2.3 billion fine
financial interests or other interests?
BMJ: Covid has "unleashed state corruption on a grand scale…”
BMJ article on Pandemrix, GSK 2009 swine flu vaccine
2014 article: Brain-Damaged UK Victims of Swine Flu Vaccine to Get £60 Million Compensation
93 billion potential conflict$ of interest here...?
16. Why are children being incentivized to take experimental injections?
NHS guidance mentions incentivizing children, who are at close to zero risk from Covid, to take a gene-based vaccine that is still in clinical trials, has serious short-term safety concerns and no long-term safety data; this appears to violate the Nuremberg Code
NHS guidance for encouraging young people to take an experimental injection
GPs receive £12.58 per adult injected
serious short-term safety concerns re myocarditis
JCVI recommended against injections for 12-15-year olds but the minutes of the JCVI meeting were not released
overruled and deliberately misrepresented (if error message appears, try reloading)
17. Why is our government looking to introduce vax passports despite the obvious cost to people’s health and freedom?
Given that the injections do not stop people catching and spreading Covid, it is difficult to escape the conclusion that the main goal of the authorities is not actually health but control, no matter what the cost
UK government call for evidence on "mandatory COVID certification”
The UK government quietly changed the rules on vax passports
Together Declaration against vax passports
18. Why so little coverage of massive pro-freedom protests against vax passports?
Hundreds of thousands of people have been demonstrating against vax passports, but there has been little coverage in the mainstream media, especially when compared with small-scale demonstrations by the likes of Extinction Rebellion and Insulate Britain
France demonstration, October 2021
Italy demonstration, October 2021 (link no longer works)
UK freedom protest, London, 24 April 2021
Lithuania: unvaxxed banned from large supermarkets, non-essential stores, restaurants
19. Why are credible mainstream doctors and scientists being censored?
There is unprecedented censorship of credible mainstream doctors and scientists who are questioning the prevailing Covid narrative
Robert W Malone, MD, inventor of mRNA vaccines an
Peter McCullough, MD, FRCSA (original link no longer works; try this instead)
Link (link no longer works)
CEO of the Evidence-Based Medicines Consultancy
20. Why is ivermectin being discredited and suppressed?
Ivermectin is extremely safe, and has been demonstrated to be an effective treatment for Covid; and yet there has been a concerted effort to discredit it and suppress its use
Ivermectin review from American Journal of Therapeutics
Comment re 'moderate-certainty'
when (link no longer works)
Recent hit pieces in The Guardian and on the BBC (response to BBC here)
Canadian and French doctors suspended/arrested for prescribing ivermectin
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